
I am a professor at the physics department of Nanjing University. My primary interest is correlated electron systems, with a special focus on developing state-of-the-art numerical methods and applying them to complex many-body systems. Some of our work is materialized as a quantum many-body computation package Quanty, which allows users to straightforwardly model and solve quantum many-body problems with little programming knowledge.

Before joining Nanjing University, I obtained my Ph.D. in the group of Prof. Bernhard Keimer at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (Germany), and subsequently worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Prof. Maurits W. Haverkort at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of Heidelberg University (Germany).

If you have any questions about our research, or if you are a student interested in working with me, feel free to contact me at [my first and last names] _at_